Friday, October 18, 2019

5 Tips on How to Naturally Deal with Sickness

5 Tips on How to Naturally Deal with Sickness

IMAGE: 123Dentist

Welcome back Blogsters! If you’ve clicked on this blog, you are probably either sick or is prone to getting sick.

In this blog, I’m going to give you my 5 top tips in relation to dealing with short-term sickness. If you’re like me who is prone to getting sick but is tired of getting antibiotics and medications all the time, here are some of my top 5 tips to deal with your sickness in a natural way.

Tip 1: Rest!

Green Ceramic Mug on Person's Feet 

IMAGE: Pexels

Sleep is the natural way our body needs to be able to help repair and restore itself, therefore sleep is really important when you are sick.

It’s as simple as that. Resting and or sleeping have a massive impact and benefit in helping your body to combat the disease that has infiltrated your body and sleeping has been found to help regulate the hormones needed to help improve your immune system.

Sometimes it can be hard to sleep often due to a congested nose, stress, pain and other factors – but that’s a topic, which we can discuss further in other blogs.

There are various literature which may suggest that if you get 7+ hours of sleep per day it can optimize the benefit of sleeping, however taking small naps throughout the day can also be beneficial in allowing your body and mind to help recover itself.

What you will notice though – is that if you don’t get enough sleep, you are more likely to get sick, moody and not be able to function as well as you should during the day. So go to bed rest up and sleep to help with your recovery.

For additional tips on how to sleep better – please refer to the previous blog, I wrote about this.

Tip 2: Eat Healthily

Photograpy of Dressed Food

IMAGE: Pexels

Very often, we put a lot of junk and chemicals in our body that makes healing our body slow.
Often the ‘Junk Foods’ we may ingest can also, damage our body more than to help us recover from our sickness.

Healthy food that you can consider are food that are rich in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are found from food that may contain vitamins A, C, E and minerals copper, zinc, and selenium - they usually fight of ‘Free Radicals’ from your body by neutralizing them.

Free Radicals are unstable molecules that can damage the cells in our body.

Food that you may consider include:

Fruits such as blueberries, mangoes, tomatoes, orange, lemon, apples, apricots

Top View Photo of Assorted Fruits

IMAGE: Pexels

Vegetables such as leeks, onions, garlic, eggplants, pumpkins, red capsicums, spinach, carrots

Vegetable Lot

IMAGE: Pexels


Variety of Brown Nuts on Brown Wooden Panel High-angle Photo

IMAGE: Pexels


Seared Salmon With Herbs

IMAGE: Pexels

Lean meat (meat that are low in fat content)

Person Slicing Meat On Cutting Board

IMAGE: Pexels


IMAGE: Dr. Axe


Brown Eggs on Brown Wooden Bowl on Beige Knit Textile

IMAGE: Pexels

Tea (Green or Black)

Clear Glass Teacup Filled With Tea

IMAGE: Pexels

Honey (Manuka Honey)

Clear Glass Cup Filled With Honey

IMAGE: Pexels


Four Assorted Spices On Wooden Spoons

IMAGE: Pexels

Apple cider vinegar with Mother* (Ensure that you dilute it with water and eat something before you drink it as it can be quite strong for the stomach. Some recommendations say around 1-2 tablespoons maximum per day)

Close-Up Photo of Filled Bottles Near Apples

IMAGE: Pexels 

So there’s an idea for you! The list can go on, but here are just some ideas to help you. You can find more information in the web regarding foods that are rich in antioxidants.

Tip 3: Drink plenty of water

Fluid Pouring in Pint Glass

IMAGE: Pexels 

Staying hydrated would be helping your body wash away all the impurities from your body. 

When you get sick, your body also loses more fluid through various bodily reactions to sickness such as sweating, having a runny nose or when you feel really hot. If you want to help your body recover, DRINK plenty of fluids!

Just make sure you don’t over drink as it can be physically detrimental in huge amount. It is recommended to drink at least 2L per day to ensure optimum hydration.

Tip 4:  Relax and take a day off from everything

IMAGE: Shutterstock

Sometimes all you need is to have time off from working or any chores, running errands, etc. Plus staying at home would also mean, that you would stop spreading your germs from everybody else.

Many individuals who are fortunate enough to not have kids, may find that this is possible. However, for many parents, it can be hard to just have time off from anything, especially if you’ve got other responsibilities like the kids.

Relaxing and taking a day off from doing anything, will help to restore your mind and reduce stress levels. The more you try and do things when you’re unwell, the more you’ll find your recovery to be longer than intended.

So find different ways to relax – Check out my other blog regarding this and tune out from the worries of the world behind you.

Tip 5: Do something fun

Image result for playing guitar

IMAGE: Google

Doing something fun doesn’t necessarily mean going out and partying, especially if you are an introvert like me. Instead, do something productive a hobby or interest that is engaging to help uplift your spirit so that you are not just bogged down at home not doing anything.

For me, something fun could be as simple as:

Watching a funny or interesting movie

Listening to music

Writing a simple blog on how to deal with sickness just like right now 😊

Doing a bit of light gardening

De-cluttering my room

And the list can go on… again all of these are just ideas. It’s probably a good idea for you to start getting to know yourself.

So for the readers:

What works for you?

Are there any other natural ways you deal with sickness?

Post it up in the comment section below.

Just a disclaimer – all the information here are tips on alternative ways of dealing with sickness that has worked for me personally. There are various other ways, but above are just the ones I wanted to talk about in this blog.

Please ensure that you seek professional medical advice that will best suit you, as everyone reacts to different types of food or other chemical compounds which may cause a severe allergic reaction. The tips I have given are not intended to substitute or replace professional medical advice and if you need medical advice, please see a GP.

Alternatively, you can also do some personal research on what I have mentioned above to further expand your knowledge and understanding of what I talked about.
Hope you enjoyed this blog If you like this post, please share it on your social media, be sure to subscribe to keep up to date with all future blogs that I will write. I will write a blog each week to give you Tips to help you be Inspired, Motivated and Encouraged to keep becoming the better person that you are.