5 Tips to be Inspired in Life

back Blogsters! It is of great enthusiasm that I write this post and share what
I have learnt this past few weeks to encourage and uplift your spirit just as
how I have been to a journey of feeling low to a sense of well-being.
you just stumbled on this page, you are most likely reading this post because
you may be at a road block,you may possibly be having a clouded perspective in
life also and perhaps not being optimistic about your situation right now or,
you’re just reading this to find out about finding inspiration in life.
I’m currently in a very positive mindset at the moment after being in quite a
dark depressing state of mindset.It just feels great being out of that dark
hole and in the light. I want to share with you all, how I’ve managed to get
back my motivation and be inspired to live life to the fullest again.
we feel sluggish, lazy, tired and unmotivated to do anything in life, it is
often due several reasons. It could be mental health related or physically related.
I hope that the tips below will help you regain that passion of fire to
re-ignite a dying or dead flame of passion inside of you to help release that
creative person that you were created for 😊
Tip 1: Rest

repetitive as it sounds and having mentioned this tip over and over on my
previous blog, resting your mind and body is vital to ensure well-being and
help your brain function properly.
hard to have your mind be inspired if you are fatigued and lacking sleep or
rest. A mind that is not fatigue is a creative mind. Your mind is more likely
to flow with ideas and goodness if it is well rested.
you are finding it hard to get a full length of 7-8 hours sleep as recommended
by health professionals, try taking a short power naps to compensate for some
of the lost sleep and allow your mind to rest. After you wake up from your nap
you may feel invigorated and ready to start going at another task at hand. If
you nap longer that 1 hour it may often leave you drowsier and more lethargic, but
I find that 30 mins nap may be sufficient to recompense for lost sleep.
rest up and see the benefits this can do to your thinking. Allow your body to
just shut off and recover from the stressors of life.
Tip 2: Forgive yourself and
forgive others

of the things I found that was a burden and a heavy weight in my spirit of why
we feel un-motivated to do anything, is due to guilt caused by a conflict
against other people or unforgiveness from a wrong doing done towards you
by someone else.
is at fault against you and if you can identify the issue, it is best to
resolve those issues, either by apologizing to them and seeking forgiveness
from them if you are in the wrong or allowing yourself to be released by
the bondage of hate by simply just forgiving them even if they don’t apologize
to you.
your anger and resentment towards other people can release that heaviness that
you may feel and it has positive effects for both you and the person who you
are having an issue with.
other person that you may want to forgive is yourself. Sometimes we may say, behaviour
had malice in our mind towards things that are immoral or impure in this life
and this can leave a painful stain in your soul that can feel demoralizing.
me the first step is knowing that you want to change and be better moving
forward. It’s about allowing God to transform your mind and lifestyle and
allowing you to move on from your past and be forgiven.
you had done something against someone and you apologize for it, yet they still
have not forgiven you – let it go. Learn how to bring healing to yourself by
letting go. The issue will no longer be from you but from the other party.
you have haters, detractors, trolls, bullies or whatever you want to call them
in life, just ignore them and move on with life. You have a huge life to live
ahead of you, to be dwelling with negative people in this life of yours.
Tip 3: Don’t compare
yourself to other people

this life, we as people tend to always compare and look down on ourselves,
especially when we see the success of other people in the same stage of life as
we are.
could well be the following thoughts:
Your friends having been married and
you remaining single or
old school mates now having a successful career or business and you working in
part-time job you don’t even enjoy or
friends having a new car and yourself having a hand me down from your dad’s old
list can go on and on but you get the point. The list of comparison to other
people or celebrities is a big motivation eater if you let it get to you.
can instead use that as an inspiration to motivate yourself to get started on
mastering an area where you are actually passionate and good at.
treads at a different pace in life and sometimes what you see in social media
can be deceiving from what is reality. So get started on small things that can
lead to big opportunities in life.
you want to learn more tips on how to get started on anything, I have written a
previous blog on it. Just type on the search tab 5 Tips on how to get started on any project.
remember, see the blessings you have and don’t compare yourself to anyone else
because you are no one else. You are unique and you can unleash that inner
creative person inside of you.
you are a writer, blogger, dancer, singer, artist, comedian, musician, game
master etc. You can achieve bigger things one step at a time.
Tip 4: Try out new things

is probably my most favourite thing to do to be inspired. The more that I
explore our local restaurants, buildings, natural parks, malls and other
attractions – the more that I feel inspired with how wonderful God’s creation
is and how creative the mind of other people are.
example, a beverage that I was accustom to in that past was purely just tea,
coffee or hot chocolate. Nowadays we have a variety of drinks which can tingle
your senses such as white hot chocolate, matcha latte, taro latte, chai latte and
more variations of what other hot drinks are now available.
food, there are a variety of multi-cultural spices and taste that are new and
really exotic and different to your own culture or country that you are living
in. Food is also a favoured leisure activity of people to bond and connect with
each other.
other things could also be trying out new experiences and adding things to your
bucket list of things to see and things to do. Sometimes, people
take for granted what they have locally, but if you just search and use google
there are a variety of bloggers writing about their hometown of things that you
could do.
of the simple areas I like visiting around Melbourne Australia are the beaches,
mountains, natural parks and waterfalls within the vicinity. Besides that I
also love travelling with my wife to other countries and seeing new places and
new cultures.
inspires me to write about the uniqueness in the world, because life becomes
more colourful and fun – not the usually black and white grey routine of doing
things over and over again and with no purpose but just to work and pay the
enjoy the creation of God and the creative mind and ideas. Just be sure that
those new experience you try are non-destructive to your body, other people or
the environment and not immoral experiences.If you do, this is counter intuitive
to what we are trying to achieve, which is bringing about a positive mindset
and creating a positive environment.
Tip 5: Express your love to
your loved ones and receiving love

This last tip is one, that will often be taken for
granted and at times may not be appreciated by some, however one of the most
inspirational things that you can do in this life is to love the people that
are important to you.
It could be as simple as saying how you
love them, appreciating them by giving them small gifts that they can
appreciate, spending quality time with them, doing something for them like a
favour or a simple massage of some sort and or just giving them a simple hug.
If you haven’t heard of the 5 love
languages here are some of the love tank fillers that will not only inspire you,
but also help inspire other people that are important to you.
The 5 love language comprises of the
of Affirmation
of Service
When you express love with the
following, depending on which love language speaks strongly to them will have
positive effects on having your love tank be reciprocated. Though sometimes
receiving back love, may not always occur – loving others can be overwhelmingly
satisfying to our spirit and soul.
Hope you enjoyed this blog If
you like this post, please share it on your social media - be sure to subscribe
to keep up to date with all future blogs that I will write. I will write a blog
each week to give you Tips to help you be Inspired, Motivated and Encouraged to
keep becoming the better person that you are.
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