5 Tips on How to be the Best Version of Yourself

Welcome back Blogsters! It’s been a while since I got the chance to start writing and reflecting on another life lesson and sharing it in a blog. Sometimes things can get really busy, especially with new projects, new ideas and new things that are happening in life. I have been inspired to write this piece of a blog on ‘How to be the best version of yourself’, to create a more vibrant and positive outlook in whatever life throws at you. I am hoping that this will encourage people like you to keep on walking and to never give up on your visions or dreams.
If you are finding it hard to really grow your character, because of certain hindrances, fears, insecurities and discouragements – here are some of the tips that may guide you in unleashing your potential to be the best version of yourself each and every time.
Tip 1: Embrace the internal and external conflicts that you face for they give valuable opportunities for growth and development
Every day you may encounter a situation in life that is uncomfortable and often some of the warning sign you may get are the ones indicated by your body. Some of the things you may notice are that:
You may have increased stress or anxiety levels
You may start gritting your teeth
You may feel and have a fast and pulsating heartbeat
You may get regular headaches
You may start to lose sleep
Experience muscle aches
Depression or fatigue
Mouth Ulcers which may indicate increased stress
Overthink things
Or an overall dissatisfaction in life in general
When you experience all the things I mentioned above, it may be a warning sign to tell you that something is not right. Often it may be medically related. But if not, it could be a stressor, problem, issue or some sort of stimuli that is causing you to feel this way.
Let it be an indicator to you that perhaps, there is something that you could start doing better, so that you can rid yourself of all the symptoms that I mentioned above.
Some of the things that may help include the following:
If the problem is another person – You may want to think about whether forgiving that person may help resolve and alleviate that uncomfortable underlying feeling you may have. Often what I find is that if you make peace with whatever is bothering you, you are in the position to release any resentment and anger you may have for the other person. If they don’t ask for forgiveness, its ok, forgive them anyway. You may even think about apologizing yourself and being the better person that you can be, to be able to live a harmonious relationship with anyone.
If the problem is stress because you have so many things to do and catch up on, try to disconnect with everything. This can be for a couple of minutes, hours, days or sometimes weeks to perhaps months. You may need to just start getting connected with your inner self. Prioritizing what is important and re-aligning your thoughts to filter what is not important.
Disconnect from social media. As scrolling endlessly can somewhat become addicting, but also time-consuming at the same time. It may also become a purposeless action, which triggers you to do something in auto-pilot mode, yet be unproductive and leave you feeling dry and empty. Sometimes you should try doing something productive such as exercising to help you become healthier and make good use of your time.
Another thing is also de-cluttering your environment, which can really give you peace of mind. I’ve heard of this saying in the past that says “A clean environment, will give you a clear head space”. Therefore, if you want to reduce the stress in your life, you can also try to de-clutter your environment.
If all else fails, my first and final resort is always to turn to God and pray. God is my main source of strength and resilience. And with him, I know I can overcome all things that may hold me back from becoming the best me.
Those are just some basic tips, to get you back on track if you are faced with internal and external conflict. I would think that there would be more, but those are some that really works for me.
If the problem is medically related, it is best to see your doctor for professional expert advice. Your symptoms may not be from lifestyle factors and could be associated with a medical condition.
In life, everyone goes through a journey. Often times, we may see the success of others and not realize, that before they have come to that position, they have usually gone through hurdles of loss, pain, hurt and failures in the past.
There’s a saying that says “A successful person, is a person who has failed many times, but has tried again one more time until they make it”. If you want to be the better version of yourself, accept that you will make mistakes.
But see these mistakes as stepping stones and life lessons. They are your key life indicators to help point you in the right direction. Sometimes the journey is long, but be rest assured that when you aim to get somewhere, you will get there one day if you just keep trying and not stop when you fail.
Learn from your mistake, move on and grow on from there. If you have to ask forgiveness for the mistake that you have made, be humble and do so. This will release you from any insecurities, guilt, and anxiety that may bottle up within you.
Learn to love your mistakes and see the better side of failing. It sounds counter-intuitive, but your character will grow if you learn to welcome failure.
Tip 3: Have an understanding that everyone is different and that you should not compare yourself to others
If you watch the T.V, movies, Netflix, YouTube, sports, use social media or listen to music there may be people that you may often look up to, admire and follow. At work or among your friends, you may also see and compare your lives with theirs, especially those who appear to be living the life you always wanted.
People you look up to can appear to have the most glamorous, happy, enriched and exciting life. However, sometimes we fail to see what is really underneath it all. Some like what I wrote above, had spent years honing their skills, their talents, their abilities to be able to be where they are.
People often go the extra mile in order for them to successfully achieve what they have achieved. To some, behind closed doors, they may be filled with remorse, be broken down, unhappy, tired and exhausted.
The point is, everyone has different journeys in life. It would not be fair or wise for you to compare yourself to other people and blame the circumstances for it. Sure some people are born in a rich family. But even rich people can come crushing down lower than where they were if they were not wise with their money.
There’s this saying that goes:
“If you are born poor, it’s not your fault. But if you die poor, then it’s your fault”
-Bill Gates
To some extent, this could be true, however not always. There are also corrupt people that may stop you from getting to a comfortable stage of your life, despite all the hard work that you put in.
A better mindset is: “To take every opportunity in your journey in life and make the most of it!”
Everyone gets given different opportunities, but make the most of what you've been given.
Everyone gets given different opportunities, but make the most of what you've been given.
Make sure that during this process, you remain humble, grounded and loving towards other people. Make sure that you learn to accept and love people, regardless of what their current standing is in life.
Never ever compare yourself to other people because we are all different. We are all running different races in our lives and we should instead compare our current selves with our past selves. Try not to look at what you don’t have, but see you have. This will give you greater satisfaction in life.
Tip 4: Verbally affirm your good qualities as well as qualities in your character that you want to grow and develop
Self-talk can have a massive benefit to your mental health and well-being!
It had often been thought of, that people who talk to themselves are genius. And I don’t just say this because I talk to myself.
It doesn’t mean you’re insane either. But usually, people who self talk often process their thoughts verbally and affirm what they think by asserting themselves through self-talk. It’s also another one of our brain’s internal mechanism that helps us unload and increase our memory by repeating our thoughts to ourselves verbally.
Another thing about asserting yourself is that this can also plant seeds of positive affirmation where you can actually pull from to increase your resilience in life.
With one of the guided meditations that I listen to, part of the technique used to help increase your confidence and self-worth is via self-affirming positive words. Through repetition and meditating on it, you will then be able to own the words and really live it out as if it were true and eventually making it a reality and your truth.
Examples of those self-affirming positive words may include:
I am worth it
I am loved
I am well looked after
I am healthy
I am motivated
I am loving
I am unique
I am friendly
I am at peace
I am intelligent
Those are just some examples. But if you repeat these sentences to yourself on a regular basis, you will really start to see these words becoming a reality.
As a Christian, there are also positive self-affirmation that really help my thoughts get re-aligned to who I am in God’s sight.
Some of those self-affirmations may include:
I am loved by God
I am a child of God
I am blessed by God
I am gifted with God’s fruit of the spirit (Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness.)
I am chosen by God
I have been bought by the blood of Jesus
I am free to do what is right and not bound to sin and shame
I am able to forgive because of God
I am strong because of him
I am able because my God is an overcomer.
I am the man God created me to be
As you can see, every individual may have different self-affirming words towards themselves. By always affirming yourself of what your real worth is, can transform your thinking and help you become the best you that you can be.
What you’ll find, is that the more that you connect to the one and true God, that you will be able to really embrace and thank God for who you are and thank all that he has done and for what he will do for your life.
Every single day that we wake up, we get to find out more about who God has created us to be. Everyone is unique and gifted with various skills, abilities, strength and weaknesses.
Embrace all that you are and in the same way, embrace also what you are not.
Romans 12:6a
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.”
And when you keep in mind all that I have written here, then you are one step closer to becoming that better version of yourself in life.
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